Types of Tramp Agency

Seaways Marine port Agency service consists of four types of Agency:
Charterers Nominated Agency (CNA):
- Seaways Marine offers a full Agency services, same covering all types of vsls and cargos, all cargo requirements and documentation, pilotage, towage, stevedoring and other services for and on behalf of the Charterer . after vsl’s sail the disbursement account being sent to the appointing party or as instructed.
Owners Nominated Agency (ONA):
- Similar in nature to the Charterers Nominated Agency (CNA) service, but same provided for and on behalf of the ship-owner. ONA includes full Agency services like CAN..
Owners Protecting Agency (OPA):
- SA full supervisory service to protect the ship owner's interests in monitoring and reviewing the charterers’ Agency functions and overseeing vsls port activities.
- - Close working relationships with port services and berth / terminal operators ensuring a smooth and in time flow of communication re vsl's berthing prospects, excellent following during vsl's operations and enter-port movements and sailing.
- - Helping in the negotiations with port Authorities, stevedores and other port service providers to obtain competitive prices.
- - Preparation and issuance of full set of documentation (i.e. Bs/L, cargo manifest, mat's rcpts , Master's rcpts, …etc )
- - Port Agency.
- - Offshore support vessels ( Tugs , rigs, barges… etc) .
- - Base support activities.
- - Materials control .
- - Purchasing ( i.e. bunker, provisions, … etc) .
- - Customs documentation and control .
Owners Husbandry Agency (OHA):
A comprehensive Owners Husbandry Agency service to ensure dry docking, repairs, spares, stores, crew matters, cash to Master and other owners' husbandry requirements are fully met.
Bulk And Dry Cargo Agency
Seaways Marine has expert knowledge with the market of dry cargo representing vessels from coaster to cape size in all the ports we serve, Pan Marine consistently provide a high-standard port Agency service.
Our strengths include :
Tanker Agency
- Seaways Marine provides a comprehensive tanker port Agency service in all major Egyptian ports. With vast experience in all aspects of gas, chemical and oil trades activity in this field. Also providing all services needed for all types and sizes of vsls from coaster to VLCC’S.
- Due to our recognized commitment to the industry, we enjoy close working relationships with terminal operators, Port Authorities and port service providers in all locations, helping us to achieve our aim of ensuring a speedy turnaround for vsls operations with the minimum port stay time and costs through working with our conscious qualified staff as we understand vsls principals / concerns.
Offshore Agency:
Seaways Marine provides a comprehensive and specialist support service to the off-shore oil industry. In general, we offer considerable experience and capability in the following specific fields :
A Cruise Agency :
Seaways Marine have many years experience and expertise in cruise sector as follows :
Recognition that passengers demand easy berth, access for transportation and swift clearance.
Understanding that operational costs need to be reduced without compromising passenger services.
Excellent relationships / lobbying with local Authorities and government offices
Transparent transactions on all levels.
Frequent updates of the latest local issues affecting cruise operations.
Local expertise with 24/7 communication .
No hidden costs / surprises in your port planning / itinerary estimates.
Suggestions for “smart” itinerary planning which deliver reduced operational costs.
Simplified communications with Master/passenger services..